The Secret Story
Carl Jung Said It Best — ‘ In many cases of psychiatry, the patient who comes to us has a story that is not told, and which as a rule, no one knows of. To my mind, therapy only really begins after the investigation of that wholly personal story. It’s the patient’s secret, the rock against which he is shattered. If I know his secret story, I have a key to the treatment. In therapy the problem is always the whole person, never the symptom alone. We must ask questions which challenge the whole personality.’ ..... And There Lies The Key To The Door Of The MagicaL Kingdom Where Treasures And Passions And Energy And Gifts And Dragons And Shadows And The Deepest Love Will Be Found. ✨ That Hidden Language, That Uncomfortable Yet Beautiful Truth, That Light That Is First Mistaken For Darkness — That Secret Story. You Make Alchemy With This Secret Story And Turn It Into Beauty Beauty Beauty.